Welcome to HealthPlus(HK) Authentication System歡迎使用 健怡坊(香港) 認證系統欢迎使用 健怡坊(香港) 认证系统
Our system enables user to authenticate our code as genuine.我們的系統能讓用戶 隨時隨地認證圖碼的真偽。我们的系统能让用户 随时随地认证图码的真伪。
Snap to Authenticate拍照認證拍照认证 Snap to Authenticate拍照認證拍照认证 Choose from File從檔案選取从档案选取 I agree to the above terms of service我同意以上的服務條款我同意以上的服务条款 Loading...載入中...载入中...


The image is successfully verified as original此照片已獲成功認證此照片已获成功认证 Original code should be printed in原始圖碼尺寸為原始图码尺寸为 1.5cm x 1.5cm1.5cm x 1.5cm1.5cm x 1.5cm 1cm x 1cm1cm x 1cm1cm x 1cm 0.6cm x 0.6cm0.6cm x 0.6cm0.6cm x 0.6cm on satin fabric label並印於絲帶物料上并印于丝带物料上 Please make sure the barcode size fulfill the requirement請確保條碼尺寸符合標準请确保条码尺寸符合标准 []


The image cannot be verified at the moment此照片現時未能認證此照片现时未能认证

Not activated未啟動未启动

The mark is not activated yet.這圖碼尚未啟動。这图码尚未启动。


his mark has been expired.這圖碼已過期。这图码已过期。

No authentication function沒有認證功能没有认证功能

This is not a QR code using our copy-proof technology. We cannot verify the authenticity. Please scan the QR code with the authentication function.這不是運用我們防偽技術的二維碼。我們無法認證真偽,請掃瞄帶認證功能的二維碼。这不是运用我们防伪技术的二维码。我们无法认证真伪,请扫瞄带认证功能的二维码。

Too dark太暗太暗

Environment lighting is too dark. Please scan in a brighter environment or turn on the torch.拍攝環境太暗。 請在明亮的環境中掃描或打開手機閃光燈。拍摄环境太暗。请在明亮的环境中扫描或打开手机照明。

Too blur太模糊太模糊

This photo is too blur or out of position這張照片太模糊或位置不當。这张照片太模糊或位置不当。

  • Camera resolution should not be lower than 8M pixels相機鏡頭解析度不可低於 800 萬像素相机镜头解析度不可低于 800 万像素
  • Your shot should be able to exhibit fine details as per the suggested shot你的照片的精細度需與建議相片相同你的照片的精细度需与建议相片相同
  • Press HELP if no goods photo can be taken請按幫助,如你未能拍攝出良好照片请按帮助,如你未能拍摄出良好照片

Too curve太彎曲太弯曲

Your woven is too curve.
Please flatten it before scan.

Photo quality is too low相片質素太低相片质素太低

Photo quality is too low. Please hold steady and take pictures under sufficient lighting.相片質素太低。請保持手機穩定及在足夠的燈光下拍照。相片质素太低。请保持手机稳定及在足够的灯光下拍照 。


This mark cannot be recognized at the moment.此圖碼現時無法辨認此图码现时无法辨认

No marks沒有圖碼沒有图码

There isn’t any information to be recovered from the photo我們未能從相片中獲取任何資訊我们未能从相片中获取任何资讯

More Information更多資訊更多资讯

Ref. No.參考號参考号
Mark. No.識別編號识别编号
Open link開啟連結开启连结